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Lighthouse Restoration of Keene NH. Mold and water damage services 458 NH-12A, Surry New Hampshire 03431
Lighthouse Restoration of Keene NH. Mold and water damage services
Water Damage Restoration Service

Lighthouse Restoration of Keene NH. Mold and water damage services

458 NH-12A, Surry New Hampshire 03431

I had an outstanding initial interaction with Dustin during a 30-minute phone call, he patiently discussed various inspection options, demonstrating his extensive expertise. Notably, he wasn't just looking to make a sale; he was genuinely invested in helping me find the best solution for my specific needs and offered immediate, practical solutions to address my concerns temporarily, showcasing his genuine commitment to client safety.Although I have not yet officially hired Dustin's mold inspection services, I can confidently say that I am already invested in working with him. His genuine care, extensive knowledge, and commitment to his clients are qualities that are hard to come by in the service industry. If the pre-service experience is any indication of the quality I can expect, I have no doubt that Dustin's mold inspection company is a cut above the rest.