Reviews for Granger Construction

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  • Dec 2020

    How GLENN GRANGER, owner of GRANGER CONSTRUCTION, feels about FAMILY SEPARATION and "Trump-Orphaning" innocent children at the border never to see their families and friends again. I cannot do with business with a company whose owner values this. Please read below. Note: Glenn deleted his other hateful, callous, unempathetic comments from his comments on my public Facebook page. Shared with Public "On this Christmas Day, I keep thinking about the 5.000+ children who were separated from their families at the border by the Trump Administration. This is a crime against humanity. Donald Drumpf, Stephen Miller et al should be prosecuted for this human rights abuse. To the 74-million-plus who voted for Drumpf, how could you vote for such a criminal sociopath? What would you do if it were your child? When you look at your children around the Christmas tree and the dinner table, see the faces of the children and families and imagine their screams, their fears, their hurt, their loneliness, their never seeing their families again....Where is your decency? What God do you worship who would condone such cruelty to our children? Where is your love? Now imagine you are that scared, lonely 5-year-old child all alone in the world." Glenn Granger Time to move on. Walter Morgan "Time to move on? Tell that to the children, put in cages to be effectively "orphaned" who were separated from their families, never to see their families and friends again! Tell that to the parents who will never see their children again. I have only love in my heart. Pray? To what church do you go to who would condone separating children from their families and putting them in cages? Pray? To what God do your pray who would condone this policy of meanness and cruelty to innocent children? Don't talk to me about praying or love, Glenn Granger. I am love. There is and has never been any hate in my beautiful mind, heart or spirit. Your snide remarks expose who you really are. Answer my questions in my comments and further expose who you really are. You cannot and you will not. You went to Harvard. You should be able to read and write...and be able to debate. Then answer my questions, you idiotic, unempathetic, callous racist." Comment from Misty: "Walter Morgan even with such a poignant response, he still managed to miss the entire point. They took those kids and then lost a bunch of them. And this fool says time to move on. Smh. What a disgrace." Walter Morgan "Glenn Granger Telling people that it is "Time to move on" from those Trump-orphaned, caged children says a lot about your character and values, in addition to condoning what happened and is happening to those children and families. I knew that you would not and could not answer the four questions in my posts about this Trump administration policy of meanness and cruelty to innocent children. Your comments show exactly who and what you are, who and what you value." Walter Morgan "Glenn Granger Don't patronize me with telling me how I should act. We are not friends. I could never be friends with any male (and I said male, because a man lives by a positive code of values and would never treat innocent children with such callousness, meanness, cruelty or racism), who thinks, writes and values like you." Comment from Prudence: "Glenn Granger. If you can "move on" from this, w.o. accountability, tell me HOW?" Comment from Dr. Jenny: "Thank you Walter for your words! It needs to be said! I agree 100%." Walter Morgan "Remember the words of the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who knows something about appealing to God, love, values, and peace when dealing with white supremacy, fascists, and indifferent (complicit) people such as Glenn Granger. "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.""


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Granger Construction

940 Monroe Ave NW UNIT 142, Grand Rapids

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