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Frome Physical Therapy 560 Main St #2B, Loch Arbour New Jersey 07711
Frome Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Clinics

Frome Physical Therapy

560 Main St #2B, Loch Arbour New Jersey 07711

I had the pleasure of receiving 10 Rolfing session with Rebecca, as well as one session with David. I sought out Rolfing after a brief exposure to it in the past with my own physical therapy continuing education courses.I had come to Frome PT with right shoulder pain and radiculopathy. My initial symptoms began to resolve after my first few sessions, and I was delighted to have also noticed relief of my plantar fasciitis. Each session, you can feel a change and shift in your body's posture, like how your feet feel on the ground, and how your breathe comes with more ease.Both Rebecca and David hold a wonderful space for you on your healing and wellness journey.Many thanks!