Peel Funeral Home

Funeral Home, Funeral Services & Cemeteries

8525 2700 S, Magna, UT 84044
(801) 250-2624
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Reviews for Peel Funeral Home

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  • Sep 2023

    Losing our dad was the most painful experience of our lives. Lost and hurt, we had no idea what to expect. The Peel family has been a staple in the community for years and my dad knew the family personally, so there was no other choice in our minds who would be handling the services in our minds. They were the most respectful, kind hearted, professional, empathetic, and loving funeral home we could have chose. I never in my life think I would ever write a review for a funeral home, because I have never liked the idea of the saddest moment in a families life to be a money making business. I came into the meeting with my family thinking it was going to be a complete full review

  • Sep 2023

    Amazing. Caring. Personal. We lostOur dad suddenly and we have never been through this experience we are young ourselves, and didn’t know anything. Brint and Lisa just over the phone was welcoming and understanding through everything. Brint and the cremation team took such good care of my dad and we were so blessed. My grandpa had his services here and my mom spoke so highly of this place. Thank you for doing amazing, and making us feel like family and so at peace in a sense if anyone can be during a time like this. Thank you peel family! You guys are true rockstars.

  • Oct 2021

    Losing our mom was one of the most painful events of our lives, but working with Peel Funeral Home made the journey a little less painful. We have used them through the years for many loved ones. Brint and Lisa are two of the kindest, warm people. They truly care about the family and take great care of the loved ones that passed.

From Peel Funeral Home

Peel Funeral Home was established in 1953 by F. Dee Peel and his father, James Frank Peel. We have been a family owned and operated funeral home since. The funeral home is currently owned by Brint D. Peel, son of F. Dee Peel, and is operated by Brint and his wife, Lisa. Steve Anderson joined Peel Funeral Home in January 2024 to work alongside Brint and Lisa. The Anderson family has been involved in the funeral industry since 1866, making Steve a fifth-generation funeral director and embalmer. Our family is honored to serve Magna, West Valley City, Kearns, Salt Lake City, West Jordan, Tooele County, and all other communities in Utah. We cherish the trust given to us by the families we serve. We will work to continue the relationships.


Monday: Open 24 hoursTuesday: Open 24 hoursWednesday: Open 24 hoursThursday: Open 24 hoursFriday: Open 24 hoursSaturday: Open 24 hoursSunday: Open 24 hours


Google Google: 4.5/5

Peel Funeral Home

8525 2700 S, Magna

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